Tanjore Brihadeeswarar temple is an Hindu temple located at Thanjavur, Tamilnadu, India . The temple is turned 1000 year old on 2010 . It was constructed in 1000 A.D , UNESCO also recognised it as a world cultural heritage . This temple was built in the period of Raja Raja Cholan 1. The main god  of the temple is Lord Shiva . The temple is 60 metre tall

But there are secrets behind the temple : what are they ?

  • The shadow of the temple not fall on the ground at any time .
           The archealogist amazed about the mathematical brilliance of architects who built Brihadeeswarar temple . Because , it is impossible now to construct a building without falling shadow on the ground , even with these modern technology . Tanjore Brihadeeswarar temple was built 1000 years back from present  .

  • 80 TON stone ( KUMBAM ) at 60 meter height ( 1010 A.D)
          Nowadays 80 tons of stones is lift by huge cranes at higher risk . In 1010 A.d there are no cranes available to lift that much huge weight . The mystery was recently revealed by researchers . From the temple location researchers found a hilly station nearby at 45 degree angle . Raja Rajan architects has a chance of made a support from there to the roof of the temple at 45 degree . Next question also arising with the answer of support . Who had that much of power to move that huge single stone . Yes there is a way , Raja Raja Cholan's army contained a huge amount of   Elephants made this job . Large round woods are placed below the single 80 ton stone at every single push over the slope . But it just take days to move this with a lot of efforts put in by the architects , workers and elephants .

  • Stability of temple at earthquake :
           The architects also had the clear view of earth quake issue . They had a mind blowing technique used in this base .The temple is first digged well below 5 meters from the ground . The wall are  built around the dig and filled with soft river sand upto 5 metres . Over that only Tanjore Brihadeeswarar temple was built . During earthquakes the shocks are absorbed by sand and transferred it into the ground again .

  • NANDI : The single large sculpture .
           Nandi is the statue of cow at the entrance of Brihadeeswarar temple . Speciality of the sculpture is made with single large stone weighing 20 tons . The sculpture is 2 metre height , 6 meter long and 2.5 meter width .


          60 km north west from the temple a granite hills is found . In that hill still some of the left stone cuttings are seen  . So, everyone ask how they cut granites at 1010 A.D  with no cutting instruments . Even in the present technology it takes hours to cut granites . But architects of Tanjore temple had other ideas . They  made small holes on the big rocks and filled it with wood pieces and poured water over it . After some days the woods were bulged by the absorbed water makes the rocks broke .This how they cut rocks . 


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